Sunday HIIT Week 3

January 15, 2012

Tonight’s workout consisted of a variety of exercises including some Elliptical, some Pilates, strength training and lastly the High Intensity Interval Training. Read the rest of this entry »

Kettlebell That

January 9, 2012

Today’s workout was definitely one you could do just about anywhere. I did go to the gym which gave me a variety of kettlebells to work with. I was there for about an hour which is plenty long enough with that! Read the rest of this entry »

Sunday HIIT

January 8, 2012

My new Sunday workout is High Intensity Interval Training. This week’s wasn’t quite the same HIIT that I am used to, but it was a pretty good workout nonetheless. I found this workout on the CrossFit Metroeast blog as one of their Workouts of the Day earlier this week.

5 rounds of the following:

  • 5 Dumbbell Deadlifts
  • 5 Dumbbell Hang Cleans
  • 5 Dumbbell Push Presses
  • 5 Dumbbell Squats

You do five repititions of each exercise and then move straight to the next one without setting the weight down. The goal is to increase the load each round. I didn’t quite pull that off, but it’s okay. This workout is harder than it looks. I started out with 20 pound dumbbells for the first round and increased to 25 pounders for the middle three rounds. The last round I used 30 pound dumbbells.


New Years Workout

January 1, 2012

I saw at the gym today there are plenty of people already destroying their New Years Resolutions. 6 hours of work and only 9 people made their way into our fitness center today. If they don’t start today, when will they start? 😉


I had a pretty good workout this evening.

800 meter walk

1600 meter run



4 Rounds for Time

–800 meter run

–15 Squat Cleans

–10 Kettlebell Shoulder Presses (each side)

Time: 36:14


Good way to start the new year. Another good workout tomorrow..

52 DC Finish Line

September 30, 2011

So this was not my best challenge by any means. I’m disappointed in how things ended up, but I guess sometimes you reach for the stars and only make it to the moon. I set my kettlebell goal too high this time around and should have kept it at 2,000 like I did for the summer challenge. Over the last few weeks, I have gotten tired of my workouts and I really need to do something to change that. I have not seen much in the way of improvement in the weights I’ve been doing and I just haven’t been excited about working out lately. I’ve fallen off the wagon and will need to change that.

Read the rest of this entry »

52 DC Update

September 7, 2011

update the readers on the challenge. How are the goals? How’s the workout?

Workout August 4, 2011

August 4, 2011

Workout today consisted of some strength and some cardio.

Strength Component:

  • 5×5 Bench Press at 135 pounds
  • 3×3 Bench Press at 145 pounds
  • 1×1 Bench Press at 155 pounds
  • 8×10 Triceps Pulldowns at 60 pounds



  • 1 mile run
  • Rest 3 minutes
  • 3/4 mile run
  • Rest 2 minutes
  • 1/2 mile run
  • Rest 1 minute
  • 1/4 mile run

Have I ever told you how much I hate treadmills? There are some on the ‘net that call them “dreadmills” and I can’t say I disagree. But since I wanted to run specific intervals today, I decided to run on one..

My legs are DONE! Worn out after a couple days’ workouts. May be time for a rest day tomorrow, but we’ll see..

Workout 7/11/11

July 11, 2011

Workout tonight was as follows:
2×12 Lat Pulldowns
2×6 (each) Single Leg TRX Squat
2×12 DB Bench Press

30″ Single Arm Snatch
30″ Rest
30″ KB Swing
30″ Rest
30″ Single Arm Snatch
30″ Rest
30″ KB Swing
30″ Rest
30″ Single Arm Snatch
30″ Rest
30″ KB Swing
30″ Rest

Rest 4 minutes

30″ Single Arm Snatch
30″ Rest
30″ KB Swing
30″ Rest
30″ Single Arm Snatch
30″ Rest
30″ KB Swing
30″ Rest
30″ Single Arm Snatch
30″ Rest
30″ KB Swing
30″ Rest

Rest 4 minutes

30″ Single Arm Snatch
30″ Rest
30″ KB Swing
30″ Rest
30″ Single Arm Snatch
30″ Rest
30″ KB Swing
30″ Rest
30″ Single Arm Snatch
30″ Rest
30″ KB Swing
30″ Rest

So 26 minutes on the HR monitor. 152 BPM Average HR; 185 BPM Max HR. I didn’t go over 180 BPM until the last set of snatch. I was doing 8 snatches per arm in 30 seconds and 15-19 KB Swings in each 30 second period.

Solid workout although my heart rate didn’t really show it. I was easily recovering back to 115- BPM during that 4-minute rest period.

Workout July 1, 2011

July 1, 2011

So how long did your cardio workout take you today? 40 minutes? Hour?


Try this:

Just got back from the gym..

Extensive warm up today including some KB Figure 8’s, Monster Walks, Dynamic Stretches, Swiss Ball Roll-outs, and some Shoulder Rehab exercises. Really get the body moving and get the blood flowing..

On the minute Thrusters
Minute 1: 1
Minute 2: 2
Minute 3: 3
Minute 4: 4
Minute 5: 5
Minute 6: 6
Minute 7: 4

So the objective is to add one more each minute and go until you can’t. I used an 85# bar for this exercise. I probably could have gotten the 3 more reps, but I called it quits instead!

Then I finished with some of Idad’s favorites: Metabolic Finishers

30 seconds Work; 30 seconds Rest
:30 KB Swings (40 pounds)
:30 rest
:30 KB Single Arm Snatch (20 pounds)
:30 rest
:30 KB Swings (40 pounds)
:30 rest
:30 KB Single Arm Snatch (20 pounds)
:30 rest
:30 KB Swings (40 pounds)
:30 rest
:30 KB Single Arm Snatch (20 pounds)
:30 rest

I did 15 swings in each 30 second period and did 8 SAS on each arm during that 30 second period.

Rested 6 minutes
:30 KB Swings (40 pounds)
:30 rest
:30 KB Single Arm Snatch (20 pounds)
:30 rest
:30 KB Swings (40 pounds)
:30 rest
:30 KB Single Arm Snatch (20 pounds)
:30 rest
:30 KB Swings (40 pounds)
:30 rest
:30 KB Single Arm Snatch (20 pounds)
:30 rest

I did 15 swings in each 30 second period and did 8 SAS on each arm during that 30 second period.


So that’s something like a total of 30 minutes including my warm up and one heck of a workout. No slow cardio needed…

Should have put the heart rate monitor on today..

Workout June 13, 2011

June 13, 2011

5 sets of 6 reps each: Front Squat


4 rounds of Front Squat (10 reps each)

4 rounds of Kettlebell Swings (13 reps each)

Finished the workout with 3 sets of:

Kettlebell Swings (10) immediately followed by Box jumps (10)