What are you doing TODAY?

January 29, 2014

There is no “someday” on the calendar. It simply does not exist. So don’t pretend that “someday I’ll improve this profession.” Or “someday I’ll make a difference for these kids.” Think about TODAY. How are YOU making TODAY better? Because I’ve got news for you. If we don’t improve our profession today, it may not be here tomorrow. Read the rest of this entry »

#ATTalk Tweet Chat

January 23, 2014

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A common debate among athletic trainers is that of dress code. There are those who are very casual and believe that jeans or athletic apparel is acceptable for work and then there are others who believe that athletic trainers should dress in dress slacks and button-up shirts on a regular basis. I believe most would agree that some form of “professional attire” is important. But the million-dollar question is What is “professional attire” in athletic training?

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Professional education is something that is ever-evolving and if a profession does not keep up, it is likely to be left behind. With that in mind, a taskforce was tasked with providing information regarding a potential move from the bachelors level to a masters level degree program as the “entry level” into Athletic Training. This group has no authoritative standing, however its recommendations can be beneficial for the profession and the related organizations who do have that power.

You can read the document here: http://www.nata.org/sites/default/files/The_Professional_Degree_in_Athletic_Training.pdf

Let me come right out and say it. When I began this discussion and began reading this document, I was against making the move to an Entry-Level Masters (ELM). I can’t say that my opinion has changed, but I do have a better understanding of the idea to move to an ELM is coming from and some of it does make sense to me. Continued work is definitely needed and thankfully this is not a move that will be made overnight.

This blog I am going to highlight a few points that I found to be important in this document and will provide brief commentary to go along with those points. In future blog articles in the coming days and weeks, I plan to expand on some topics and also share my vision of where our profession needs to head. Definitely check out my first post if you haven’t seen it already! Read the rest of this entry »

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