July 29, 2014 I was offered an opportunity of a lifetime and I snatched it up very quickly. In fact, I was asked if we were getting married or something— that’s how quickly I said yes! Very quickly, my world changed because I went from working in a PT clinic in my hometown providing ~12 hours of outreach Athletic Training Services to the local high school to moving to Dallas, TX where I would spend closer to 80 hours per week providing Athletic Training Services to a school. That school is Bishop Lynch. July 29th I accepted the job and quickly began to pack and become very excited. By the end of the week, I had resigned from my previous job, packed up my truck, and drove 10 hours to Dallas. Monday morning I was on campus and the rest they say is history. Read the rest of this entry »

Rant time: Here it is 1:30AM and I’m reading once again about a complex in Georgia with “state of the art” fields that include some things even more than what is available at the Major League Baseball level! To go along with it are some complaints from parents about what they consider to be “nickel and dime” efforts but one of the organizations and some of these parents claim it is simply a matter of business. Read the rest of this entry »

Unfortunately, NOT ENOUGH. None of us are. We must do better. Whether we are a coach, an athletic trainer, a parent, or an athlete. We all must do better. Too many of these injuries are occurring and too many of them can be prevented. But they aren’t. They are occurring daily. Female athletes suffer more ACL injuries than their male counterparts and the numbers are alarming. Even more alarming is the fact that those who tear their ACL are at a much higher risk of either re-tearing that same ACL or tearing the ACL in the opposite knee.

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