The Certified Athletic Trainer (AT) is specially trained and educated to handle injuries related to sport and recreation. ATs undergo clinical and didactic tracks in the pursuit of a bachelor’s or master’s degree that allows one to sit for the certification exam through the Board of Certification. For over 60 years, ATs have provided health services to thousands of athlete-patients but over the course of time some of these professionals have chosen to pursue employment outside of what is referred to as the “traditional setting.” While not inherently wrong, the author believes that the student-athletes of thousands of high schools are missing out on a valuable resource. Additionally, this exodus has created a separation amongst the profession that could ultimately destroy the profession. The National Athletic Trainers’ Association is made up of about 35,000 members and it is time that all 35,000 members become united with a goal to provide every athlete with the athletic healthcare he or she so deserves1. Read the rest of this entry »

Sticking with the seemingly regular trend as we roll into 2015, I’m going to give you 15 reasons your school should hire an Athletic Trainer in the New Year… Read the rest of this entry »

One aspect of the athletic trainers’ job is to manage emergency situations on the field. We preach having an emergency action plan and knowing who is going to do what when that unfortunate emergency does happen. But for teams, coaches, and the medical professionals, it is important that we not only consider the EAP for our home games. Read the rest of this entry »

Where there are athletes, there should be athletic trainers. In many situations, those athletic trainers are the first to respond. Regardless the injury or the setting. Athletic Trainers Save Lives. #AT4ALL

Who I am and What I do

February 28, 2014

People call me crazy (I am). People call me nuts (I am). People ask me all the time why I do what I do? Each day I have an opportunity to educate. Educate a healthcare provider about what an Athletic Trainer is. Educate a parent or a student-athlete about their injury. Educate the public about concussions. Hopefully each day I take that opportunity to educate with a positive attitude. I am an Athletic Trainer. It’s what I am passionate about. I love to spread the word. I hope your student-athlete never needs me on their darkest day, but know that if that shall come, I’ll be there. I’ll be there to manage the injury from start to finish. Because that’s what Athletic Trainers do. Each and Every Day.

Every Athlete Deserves an Athletic Trainer. #AT4ALL

This has been something I’ve meant to write for some time. It is something that seems to frustrate some within the profession and others are much more nonchalant about it. Well, I’m one who is much more of a stickler.

It is crucial that athletic trainers utilize proper terminology. You want respect from the media and the general public? Earn it. Live it. We must utilize proper terminology each and every day as professionals if we want our profession to get the respect it deserves. It starts with US! I have used the hashtag #AthleticTrainernottrainer numerous times on Twitter and so have other people. Read the rest of this entry »

The Hidden Injury: A Concussion Series


For more information about this series, go here!

I originally posted this back in August. With March being National Athletic Training Month, it’s time it re-appears on the blog.

  1. A certified athletic trainer is the #1 healthcare provider trained and educated to work with athletes.
  2. A certified athletic trainer is trained to handle emergencies whether it’s a broken arm, a neck injury, or cardiopulmonary. All athletic trainers are trained in life-saving skills such as CPR and AED use. Read the rest of this entry »

This week’s Quote of the Week is athletic training related. In case you are unaware, March is National Athletic Training Month. Each weekly quote will be related to athletic training this month…

“Every Athlete Deserves an Athletic Trainer”—Mike Hopper, ATC


Year One Down, Many to Go!

December 28, 2011

Many people that I know have always said you learn way more in that first year out of school than you did when you were in school. Obviously I had to learn plenty in college or I never would have passed the BOC exam and be in the position I am today. That said, I would agree that this first year has been quite a journey and one that want to share with all of you today. Read the rest of this entry »