July 29, 2014 I was offered an opportunity of a lifetime and I snatched it up very quickly. In fact, I was asked if we were getting married or something— that’s how quickly I said yes! Very quickly, my world changed because I went from working in a PT clinic in my hometown providing ~12 hours of outreach Athletic Training Services to the local high school to moving to Dallas, TX where I would spend closer to 80 hours per week providing Athletic Training Services to a school. That school is Bishop Lynch. July 29th I accepted the job and quickly began to pack and become very excited. By the end of the week, I had resigned from my previous job, packed up my truck, and drove 10 hours to Dallas. Monday morning I was on campus and the rest they say is history. Read the rest of this entry »

Passion and Plan

February 6, 2014

Last month, on a recommendation from my friend Kristi Messina, I ordered Jon Acuff’s book Quitter: Closing the Gap Between Your Day Job and Your Dream Job. Unfortunately it has taken me longer to read this book than I originally thought. When I first started it, I was reading 20-30 pages at a time. But with everything else going on too, that dropped off. But tonight I picked the book up again and read a topic that I want to talk about right away.. Read the rest of this entry »