In my latest attempt at some humor, and a chance to educate, I bring you my newest series.. This series “Hips: One Four Letter Word You Must Use” will take you through my thoughts over the last several months on the importance of the hips in exercise, fitness, rehabilitation, and sports enhancement. It truly is a topic that I have grasped full-on and really believe that if our hips are weak, we WILL get injured. And most often it is not our hips that get injured in this process! Please join me in this journey as we will explore the hip complex and its importance to the rest of our body!

I have actually posted my first installment of this new series. You can find it here: Anterior Knee Pain in the Female Athlete.

Over the next several weeks, I’ll be adding more thoughts, links, and general information about the hips. Putting it simply, I think we MUST train our hips on a daily basis!